Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Run down run down run down

A run down of some knitting projects I've completed in the past few weeks and haven't posted about.

1. Spiral Socks, for Chuck's birthday.
Spiral-Striped Socks

2. Soybean Socks, part of the Vegan Knit Along on ravelry
Sable Soybean Socks

3. The cowl I mentioned in a previous post, though it is really more of a prototype since I made it with lots of scraps of yarn.
Green Apple Cowl


Leslie said...

Nice work on the socks. Thanks for the link, I'm anxious to try that technique, as well. I'm working on the braided cowl p. 77 of VOGUEknitting 2009--I'm using yarn 2x's as thick; it's a fun pattern, too.

Unknown said...

That looks like a fun project. I wasn't picking up that magazine regularly, since I liked knit.1, but I guess it's defunct now. :( I may pick it up more often!